25. April 2010


The first open apple blossom I found on our small russet tree watching out of our bathroom. I love this sour but aromatic taste of the apples, however, the tree was not healthy during the last years because of blood lice. Perhaps we're luckier this year.

Die erste offene Apfelblüte unseres Boskopbaumes fand ich, als ich ihn vom Badezimmer aus betrachtete. Ich mag diese sauren, aber aromatischen Äpfel, jedoch war der Baum während der letzten beiden Jahre nicht gesund auf Grund von Blutläusen. Vielleicht haben wir dieses Jahr mehr Glück.

18 x 13cm, oil on canvas panel, Öl auf Leinwandpanel

2 Kommentare:

  1. Wow Ulrike this is a wee gem of a painting! You have captured the light beautifully on the plant. Nice use of oil paint for such a delicate subject matter.

  2. At the moment I'm not sure what kind of paint I prefer, acrylic or oil. On the one hand I've got my best acrylics and use them regularly, but if I'm not satisfied, I take the panel to the studio and finish it with oil - as this one. O:-)
