19. Mai 2010

Worn out - Abgenutzt

This is one of my worn out brushes I don't dare to throw into the bin. It's already round and a lot of paint is still it with no way out. There must be a reason why I keep it.

Dies ist einer meiner abgenutzten Pinsel, die ich nicht wage in den Mülleimer zu werfen. Er ist schon rund und eine Menge Farbe klebt in ihm. Heraus bekommt man sie natürlich nicht mehr. Es muss einen Grund geben, warum ich ihn behalte.

4 x 6cm, oil on canvas, Öl auf Leinwand

2 Kommentare:

  1. At first when I read the heading of your post I think you are very tired and worn out from your holiday!but no you are talking about your old paint brush! I have a drawer full of old brushes that I just don't want to throw out! I think they must be our old friends!

  2. Sometimes I you can use those old birds quite well. I've got a small one with which I can just make spots. O;-)
