31. März 2011

Melting Light - Schmelzendes Licht

Still a bit ice in the air we found during a walk in the north of Bremen, but there was a touch of spring as well. For this painting/drawing (Some artists call it drawing, some painting.) I got out my pastels and was surprised how big my choice of colours is, thank to Ulla and Angela.

Noch ein bisschen Eis in der Luft fanden wir während eines Spaziergangs im Norden von Bremen, aber es gab außerdem schon eine Spur von Frühling dazu. Für dieses Gemälde/ diese Zeichnung (Manche Künstler nennen es Zeichnung, manche Gemälde.) holte ich meine Pastellkreiden hervor und war ganz erstaunt, wie groß meine Auswahl an Farben ist, dank Ulla und Angela.

18 x 13cm, pastels on Sennelier card, Pastell auf Sennelierbogen

2 Kommentare:

  1. this is very beautiful Ulrike, I never could get on with pastels but you have handled this like a master.

  2. Hey, that has been the first peace for ages. It was great to watch some of Astrid's videos. So, I've built up my place at the studio like her, but my equipment is not that good. At least I'm happy with that one. Thank very much you, Caroline. O:-)
