21. Juli 2011

Watersoluble Oils - Wasservermalbare Ölfarben

Sometimes it's necessary to take an overview of everything you have in your cupboards, drawers and boxes. This is my collection watersoluble oil paints, but I'm sure I don't need all of them O;-)

Manchmal ist es nötig, sich einen Überblick über alles zu verschaffen, was man in seinen Schränken, Schubladen und Boxen hat. Dies ist meine Sammlung von wasservermalbaren Ölfarben, aber ich bin sicher, ich brauche nicht alle. O;-)

2 Kommentare:

  1. Are there some colours you are not using? I rarely use yellows and reds.

  2. I've got this brown pink that looks like raw sienna. Of course I use just one of it. Indanthrene blue is in a bit of a fight with ultramarine and I've got too many yellows O;-)
