13. April 2010

Fit - Passt

I found these tiny willow twigs lying on the floor at the market more than a month ago. Look, what has come out of it! As you see it was not easy to find the right place for it. This pot was once my grandma's, a part of her beloved china.

Ich fand diese kurzen Weidenzweige vor mehr als einem Monat auf dem Boden des Markts liegen. Schau, was aus ihnen geworden ist! Wie man sieht, war es nicht einfach den richtig Platz für sie zu finden. Dieser Milchpott gehörte einmal meiner Oma, ein Teil ihres geliebten Geschirrs.

14,8 x 10,5cm, watercolour on rough paper, Aquarell auf rauhem Papier
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2 Kommentare:

  1. This a good painting Ulrike, the willow is very life like and the jug has a lovely cream china pigment so evocative of that type of china. Nice to think it belonged to your Grandmother.

  2. Thanks a lot. I was thinking about a background, but the actual one was too dark for a watercolour painting. So, I just took the shadow to make it stand.
