3. April 2010

Water on the Rocks - Wasser auf Felsen

I must have been very impressed by the water and the rocks at Cornish coast. There are so many photos of waves, water, surfers, rocks, cliffs a.s.o.. Ok, I accept O:-)
Not just today I've had the problem to find just time to paint in the evening. So, I took on more lamp to my desk to find the masses of colours there were actually on this coastal part.

Ich muss sehr beeindruckt vom Wasser und den Felsen an Cornwalls Küste gewesen sein. Ich habe so viele Fotos von Wellen, Wasser, Surfern, Felsen und Kliffs etc.. Ok, ich akzeptiere das. O:-)
Nicht nur heute hatte ich das Problem erst am Abend Zeit zum Malen gefunden zu haben. Deshalb habe ich mir eine weitere Lampe an meinen Schreibtisch geholt, um die Massen an Farben zu erkennen, die tatsächlich an diesem Küstenstück waren.

13 x18cm, acrylics on canvas panel, Acryl auf Leinwandpanel

2 Kommentare:

  1. You have captured the wet rocks and the colour of the sand so well Ulrike. I also love the waves too. I still cannot believe how small this painting is, I wonder if you paint this on location in a tiny painting pad. I can tell it is Cornwall it is so rugged and you have captured that feeling so well.
    Happy painting!

  2. I must confess I did this with a photo as basis. The weather was not like painting outside O;-)
