22. April 2010

Sleet Showers on their Way - Graupelschauer im Anmarsch

It's still cold so that you need scarfs and perhaps even hats to keep your ears warm. I heard there were even some snowfalls in Germany. We had some heavy sleet showers. So, I had to take the delicate seedlings indoors and not just for the chilly night.

Es ist immer noch kalt, so dass man Schal und sogar Mützen brauchte, um die Ohren warm zu halten. Ich hörte von Schneefall in Deutschland. Wir hatten einige heftige Graupelschauer. Deshalb muss ich die empfindlichen Sämlinge hereinholen, und das nicht nur für die frostige Nacht.

10 x 10cm, oil on canvas, Öl auf Leinwand

1 Kommentar:

  1. That does look a cold sky with a snow cloud coming in Ulrike. It is so cold here too and we have our seedlings in a wooden cold frame that Richard made, however for the last two nights he hasn't put a plastic cover on so we are worried about them. The sunflowers are fine but the turnips are dropping and not happy. I hope we have sunshine soon.
