15. April 2012

Up and Down - Oben und Unten

This was one of my favourite views on the Karwendel mountains, but it looked somehow boring when I first finished it standing on the shady and cold veranda after some breaks in the house with a hot cup of tea...

Dies war einer meiner Lieblingsausblicke auf das Karwendelgebirge, aber er sah irgendwie langweilig aus, als ich ihn das erste Mal auf der schattigen und kalten Veranda beendete, nachdem ich mir einige Pausen im Haus mit einer heißen Tasse Tee gegönnt hatte...

That's why I couldn't leave it alone. So, I've taken this work again and changed it almost completely.

Deshalb konnte ich es nicht liegen lassen. Also, habe ich mir das Werk noch einmal vorgenommen und habe es fast völlig verändert.

31 x 22,5cm, watercolour and soft pastel on rough paper, Aquarell und Pastellkreide auf rauem Papier

2 Kommentare:

  1. I think there is more drama in the second painting you have done at home. Often the artist has to make a scene more exciting than seen in reality. In the second painting you have created some strong shapes in the mountain ridges and the dark mountain shows up the peaks of snow beautifully. Well done Ulrike this is a beautiful painting.

  2. Thank you, Caroline, but there is no second painting. I "just" changed it O:-)
    Besides, I think mountain tops seem just impressive to us because they are so big. You need something else (e.g. interesting light or weather) to make them impressive on paper or canvas O:-)
