21. März 2011

Watching Artist - Künstler betrachten

This is one of my temporary guests in the studio or at least in the studio garden we already had this early spring. Her name is Pünktchen (Spotty). She's actually very shy, but during the last summer we obviously did a good job at making her trust us and she seems to remember.

Dies ist einer meiner zeitweiligen Gäste im Atelier oder zumindest im Ateliergarten, den wir auch in diesem frühen Frühling bereits hatten. Ihr Name ist Pünktchen. Sie ist eigentlich sehr scheu, aber im letzten Sommer haben wir offenbar einen guten vertrauensbildenden Job gemacht und anscheinend erinnert sie sich daran.

20 x 11cm, watercolour on paper, Aquarell auf Papier

4 Kommentare:

  1. Ah Angus approves! he likes your painting a great deal! She does look shy well done Ulrike a lovely painting.

  2. Thank you, Caroline. Yes, she is shy and curious at the same time. However, she's not alone in her family. The other one is a strong tomcat. Perhaps you remember him sleeping on the brushes O;-)

  3. Yes I do remember the sleeping tomcat, he was lovely. Angus asks if you will find the time to do some more cats! he loves your cat paintings!! so do I!

  4. Hm, there just those both around that dare to come into the studio. However, today Boedi (the tomcat) visited me again. He wants always to get a stroke and some company. A nice guy, but he's not that nice to Puenktchen...
