16. März 2011

Vitamins in Red and Yellow - Vitamine in Rot und Gelb

It's just great to go shopping and to find these bio editions. Unhappily, they are not to be eaten at once.
Es ist toll, einkaufen zu gehen und diese biologisch angebauten Ausgaben zu finden. Unglücklicherweise dürfen sie nicht sofort gegessen werden.

20 x 20cm, oil on canvas MDF panel, Öl auf Leinwand-MDF-Paneel

2 Kommentare:

  1. Beautiful! I really love the lighting in this. The veg looks so realistic, great work Ulrike.

  2. Are you going to post the last painting on assignment 4, I believe you said it is on the easel and was waiting to be photographed?
