5. Januar 2011

Where does the light come from 1 - Wo kommt das Licht her 1

I'm attending my first online class at the moment. My tutor is Deborah Paris and she's teaching us about painting skies. So, I'm working on my first assignment: 6 sketches of skies, in which we have to put a lot of information. This is the first one.

Ich nehme im Moment an meinem ersten Onlinekurs teil. Unsere Dozentin ist Deborah Paris und sie lehrt uns Himmel zu malen. Deshalb arbeit ich an meiner ersten Aufgabe: 6 Skizzen von Himmeln, in die wir eine Menge Informationen einarbeiten sollen. Dies ist die erste.

20 x 20cm, oil on MDF panel, Öl auf MDF-Paneel

2 Kommentare:

  1. Very beautiful painting Ulrike I can get a good sense of that great vault of a sky from this. I wasn't sure about how much in the way of clouds we could put in! and now I am thinking about how to vary times of day and weather! I think the mountains in your painting really help give the sky a sense of scale and the colours work well together too. Well done!

  2. Deborah posted this very cloudy example. So I think you can put in as many clouds as you like. You just need to take care for the vault. This becomes really an painting and an English class in one go. So many new vocab! O:-)
    Yes, the different colours at the different times of days. I also struggle...
    Nevertheless I'm still happy with my first one O:-)
