For this week we've got the exercise to paint skies with scumbles and glazes, but of course you can do that with landscapes, too. Glazes are thin transparent layers of transparent paint that gives the underpainting a glaze of the another colour. A scumble is almost the same; you just add a bit of white to the glaze so that you light up the underpainting.
Diese Woche haben wir die Aufgabe bekommen, Himmel mit Lasierungen zu malen, aber das kann man natürlich auch mit Landschaften machen. Pons hat mir keine vernünftigen Übersetzungen für diese Ausdrücke gegeben, aber Lasierungen kommen dem am nächsten. Hier geht es um zwei verschiedene: Eine Lasierung besteht aus einer transparenten Farbe und bei der Ölmalerei ein Medium (bei Acryl Wasser), um die Farbe zu verdünnen, damit das Gemalte darunter einen Hauch dieser Farbe bekommt und das Ganze ein wenig abdunkelt. Eine aufhellende Lasierung besteht aus den gleichen Komponenten, nur dass ein wenig Weiß hinzugefügt wird, damit sich das Ganze aufhellt.
Hello, hello, I got here at last phew! what a lot of work we have to do with the painting for the course, are you learning and enjoying yourself. Richard asked today if you are enjoying the course? Lovely painting the colours are really pretty, what colours did you use in this painting? The dark rocks add drama, I especially like the modern brushwork of the light sand on the rocks and beach area, very interesting to see.
AntwortenLöschenYeah, it's hard, isn't it? I've just come back from my Monday painters and I'm just tired. No chance to continue painting now O|-o But I can continue tomorrow morning. Yes, I enjoy the course. I've never learned so much in a course. It's a bit like an enlightment *O:-)
AntwortenLöschenToday I've started one with a white naples coat, but I'm not happy with it. It's not too bad, you know, but... hm... Perhaps I finish it tomorrow, but I don't know at all how the result will look like. (It's totally made up. Perhaps I should have a look at Deborah's paintings O;-))
I was the same yesterday when I came back from tutoring my Tuesday girls. I tried to paint but was just tired out. I feel more refreshed today so will go up and take a photo of the one I am working on at the moment. I must say that my naples yellow and white skies are not my best ones to work on for me personally yet Phoebe got some nice gradations in her latest two.