18. Mai 2010

Rape, Rape, Rape - Raps, Raps, Raps

The weekend in Dresden was very nice. I haven't seen that city before, the "the Florence of the river Elbe". Even our hotel was called like that. We had a very cold Saturday evening between all the great buildings. There were just a few people walking around the Zwinger or the terraces on the river. In contrary of all weatherforecasts we had a sunny Sunday with loads of people waiting for a music parade. I'm sure you will see some paintings of that journey. Today I start with one of the masses of rape fields which lined the motorways all way long. O:-)

Das Wochenende in Dresden war sehr schön. Ich hatte die Stadt vorher noch nie gesehen, dieses "Elbflorenz". Sogar unser hotel hieß so. Wir hatten einen sehr kalten Samstagabend zwischen den all diesen berühmten Gebäuden. Nur wenige Leute liefen durch den Zwinger oder die Terassen am Fluss. Im Gegensatz zur Wettervorhersage hatten wir einen sonnigen Sonntag mit vielen Leute, die auf eine Musikparade warteten. Ich bin sicher, in den nächsten Tagen gibt es einige Bilder von der Reise zu sehen. Heute beginne ich mit einem der Massen von Rapsfeldern, die die Autobahnen den ganzen Weg lang säumten. O:-)

13 x 20cm, watercolours on paper (Moleskine), Aquarell auf Papier (Moleskine)

3 Kommentare:

  1. Good to hear you had a great trip away. Looking forward to seeing some paintings from that wee holiday. Nice to see your watercolour rape seed fields always look so nice against a grey sky.How did you get the colour of the field, for me it is very hit and miss!

  2. I think I had a sort of "dirty" lemon yellow O;-) My colours are never clean. Are yours?

  3. Yes! and that could be why I never managed to get the color of the rape seed!
