28. Oktober 2012

Course Work: Birgit's Pear with Pot - Birgits Birne mit Topf

I guess the couple who has got this treasure as a present for their anniversary appreciate this work by Birgit O:-)

Ich schätze, das Paar, das diesen Schatz als Geschenk zum Hochzeitstag bekommen hat, erfreut sich an Birgits Arbeit O:-)

60x70cm, Acryl auf Leinwand, acrylics on canvas

1 Kommentar:

  1. Thanks for your visit Ulrike. I so often find myself intrigued and admiring of your own work so often. This is no exception, with it's rich deep color and beautiful shapes. Love your work!How you do this in acrylic, I'll never know!
